Thursday, July 5, 2012

Free resources for learning Statistics

I've been spending a lot of time focused on reviewing my knowledge of basic statistics and seeing where there are gaps in my knowledge. I've never formally studied the subject, although I've had quite a few introductions to its various topics. With my degree requiring a formal course on Mathematical Statistics coming up this semester and another one on the horizon, I figure it's a great time to review some of the free resources available online for studying Statistics.

Khan Academy: Statistics

Anyone who knows me will find no surprises here. I'm a huge advocate of Khan Academy. When it comes to Statistics, there are dozens of videos on a wide range of topics. If you only use one resource to learn, this should be it.

Udacity ST101: Intro to Statistics

I've blogged about this course before, and am currently enrolled as of the time I'm posting this. It's taught by Sebastian Thrun, one of the pioneers in online learning for the masses. His Statistics course is full of concrete examples, applications, and humor. As of Week 2, he's gotten into some of the real meat of the topic, and promises that it will get harder and thus more interesting as it progresses.

This course hasn't officially started as of the time of this posting, but is scheduled to begin in September 2012. Much like Udacity, Coursera's goal is to offer free educational classes on topics in various fields. Their Statistics I course will be taught in collaboration with Princeton University. While it won't get you the prestige of having taken a class at Princeton, it will get you the knowledge, which is the important part in the end.

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